Ecommerce University > Ecommerce Marketing > What's a Domain Name and How Can I Optimize Mine?
What's a Domain Name and How Can I Optimize Mine?
What's a Domain Name and How Can I Optimize Mine?

If you use the web, you’re probably familiar with domain names. They’re the descriptive part of a web address (URL), and they should be chosen with care.

The name of your online store will have an impact on your domain name, but they don’t have to match perfectly. For instance, if you can find an available domain name that describes your products, that might be a better option for search-friendliness.

Choosing a domain name will define how customers find you through search. To optimize your domain name, follow some of the tips below.

  • Keep it short:  You need something memorable and catchy if you want more return customers. If your domain name is short and simple, customers can type it into their browsers more easily. Simplicity and speed are key to presenting a more effective, sticky user experience.

  • Consider alternative domains:  Ideally, you want your store up and running on a .com domain—but you may get some traction from alternatives like .net, .co or social extensions like .me. For one, there are more options available in these areas. If you can grab a .com that makes sense for your business, great. But if you can’t, look into alternatives.

  • Use keywords:  Descriptive words that may help search visibility are a great way to grab a little search real estate before you really get up and running. Using keywords may even replace the name of your store in your domain name if you can find keywords powerful enough.

  • Use your store name  If you can’t find a domain with the keywords you want, use your store name to help your branding effort. That way, when customers visit your store, you have a strong way to build brand awareness.

  • Stay away from hyphens:  People have come to expect strings of words in domain names. It seems like hyphens would make your domain easier to read, but it won’t make it easier to remember.

by Gonzalo Gil Google