How to Sell Gardening Online

Ready to plant the seeds of business success? Learning how to sell gardening supplies online isn’t as tricky as you might imagine. Sure, nurturing a strong online store means a lot of time and hard work. But you have the tools at your fingertips with today’s technology. Put that green thumb to work on growing your very own web business.

Today’s ecommerce market thrives on user-friendly software platforms that make online business simple, even for those of us who aren’t very tech savvy. Starting a business requires a much smaller upfront investment than ever before, which makes it a strong possibility for more people than ever before.

Ready to learn how to sell gardening supplies online? Here are a few questions you should answer before you get started.

1. What kind of supplies do you want to sell?

Do you want to sell spades? Seeds? Plant food? Hoses? Pond Supplies? Gardening supplies include a variety of different products. Figuring out how wide you want your products to span is an important part of creating your brand. Don’t be afraid to specialize in a handful of goods, either.

2. Where will you get those supplies?

The next step is figuring out where to get your products. Learning how to sell gardening supplies online means partnering with a wholesale distributor and buying in bulk. That’s the way you make your profit: buy in bulk upfront and sell direct to the consumer at a mark-up. Find someone you trust and someone with decent wholesale prices. Then, reach out and establish a relationship.

3. How will you get your website up and running?

Now, you’ll need the tech tools to get the job done. Finding the right software is a key part of getting your website up and running. It’s also an important part of how your business will grow.

Choosing a company with plenty of support options will help you learn how to sell gardening supplies online as you go.

4. Why do you need software integrations?

Your eCommerce software is the backbone of how you sell. But a strong business runs on more than that. It helps to have accounting, shipping and other kinds of software to help you run your business.

Of course, that means you’ll need an automated bridge between these software solutions and your shopping cart platform. Shift4Shop has these integrations built into the software so you have to do less work.

5. When will you launch?

Finally, learning how to sell gardening supplies online requires you to figure out the right time to launch. A cold launch can be difficult; you may sit around for days, even weeks, before you start getting buyers. It’s better to get the word out beforehand using aggressive marketing over social media, email and other digital channels.

Start Your Own Store in 60 Seconds!
Shift4Shop provides the best web based e-commerce solution for your online Gardening Supplies store.

  • Show as Sold Out or Hide
    You can show your unique Gardening Supplies as “Sold Out” or just hide it when purchased.
  • Multiple Images
    You can display multiple images per product.
  • Enlarge Images & Built-In Zoom
    All images by default have our 3dzoom and the can be enlarged upon clicking.
  • Customize Your Store
    You can design and customize your store to reflect your unique style.