How to Sell Magazine Subscriptions Online

Love the way those glossy pages feel on your fingertips? You’re not alone. You can make a living learning how to sell magazine subscriptions online very easily if you put in the time and effort. You’ll need a strong work ethic, the right tools for the job and knowledge of the magazine market to get started.

It doesn’t hurt to learn a bit about ecommerce, too. For instance, did you know that ecommerce is expected to be a $1.4 trillion market by 2015? Not too shabby. Selling online is an art unto itself. With some tips and practice, you should be able to learn how to sell magazine subscriptions online without a huge investment.

1. Research affiliate marketing and find out how you can break in with magazines.

To sell a specific magazine, you’ll need to research becoming an affiliate marketer for magazines., for instance, is a great place to look into an affiliate program. This is how you’ll supply your business with popular magazines.

As an affiliate, you’ll need a host of other tools to keep your business operating efficiently.

2. Choose a software solution that works for your business.

Today’s eCommerce software is so easy to use that you don’t need any technical experience. As you learn how to sell magazine subscriptions online, partner with a software company that backs its product with first-class support. Integrations with other platforms is key. A solid order processor is also important.

Easy to use marketing tools like social media plug-ins and blogging resources are helpful features that simplify how you get the word out on your business.

3. Set up a website that sells itself.

You might feel intimidated by designing your website. But don’t worry: your eCommerce software solution should come with features that simplify the process. Consider a template gallery, for example, where designers have already created free or inexpensive layout templates that you can customize expressly for your store.

As you learn how to sell magazines online, start looking into your custom design options, too. It’s a little more expensive to hire a designer—but the payoff can be well worth it in many cases.

4. Create content to get great visibility online.

The more content you create, the more the search engines like your website. Content is anything from the pictures and copy on your website to the articles you write for your blog. As you learn how to sell magazines online, you’ll begin to understand the value of content.

Start Your Own Store in 60 Seconds!
Shift4Shop provides the best web based e-commerce solution for your online Magazine store.

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    All images by default have our 3dzoom and the can be enlarged upon clicking.
  • Customize Your Store
    You can design and customize your store to reflect your unique style.